There is a wealth of resources online if you are confused about the basics concerning electrical panel wiring, and it's not just a question of having the right tools and the knowledge. I did not want the wires to get tangled, and I didn't know how to wire a panel because I was not familiar with the area. I wanted to avoid the work and headache associated with wiring up electrical equipment.
A few years ago when I took on new projects, I didn't use any electrical panel wiring or panels. It's an incredibly complicated, confusing thing, that will kill you. If you are not familiar with the wiring system, don't go messing around with it. Furthermore, I'd rather have an electrician who knows how to install a house's electrical panel than a technician who knows how to handle the work down a long line of wires.
I was thinking, I'm a contractor! I need somebody with both electrical work and contractor skills to go to work for me. There's the technician working down a line with a tangle of wires and switches, and there's the electrician who installs the electrical panels and wires and switches in your homes. I learned a new phrase from the last person I taught electrical work.